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What are the Advantages of PGD?

The ultimate advantage of PGD is the increased likelihood of a healthy baby as we screen for chromosomal abnormalities as well as gender.

Higher Live Birth Rate

Current success rates indicate that women in their thirties with ‘normal’ fertility have a 65% chance of a live birth from one cycle of PGD. This rises to 85% from two cycles and 95% from three. Women in their forties can, on average, expect live birth rates in the range of 40 – 60% for 1-3 cycles.

Lower risk of Malformed Babies and Pregnancy Termination

The chance of a woman delivering a baby with a genetic disorder is 1% if she is 35-39 years old and 3% if she is 40-45. PGD decreases the chances of having to terminate a pregnancy if a foetus is found to be abnormal.

Reduction in Spontaneous Miscarriages

In women 35 or older about 15% of pregnancies spontaneously miscarriage, with 50% or more of those miscarriages being caused by abnormalities. By transferring only normal embryos the number of pregnancies reaching term should increase. In one study, a significant reduction in spontaneous miscarriages occurred after PGD. The increase in implantation and the significant decrease in spontaneous miscarriages resulted in a significant increase in ongoing pregnancies and safely delivered babies.

Moon with handsome son
Dream of becoming parents.

We are delighted by the support you gave us and over the moon with our handsome son.



We could not be more grateful to you for helping us achieve our dream of becoming parents.