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PGD is Not Devoid of risks But These are outweighed by the Benefits.

Embryo Biopsy

The risk of accidental damage to an embryo during removal of the cell(s) is very low – around 0.6%. Implantation rates might be detrimentally affected by embryo biopsy, although observation so far suggests this possibility is outweighed by the beneficial effect of PGD.

Cell Removal

No part of the future foetus will be lacking because one or two cells are removed from the embryo about 3-4 days after fertilisation. All the cells of the embryo remain able to develop normally on their own until about the fourth day, which means that each cell by itself can grow into a whole and perfect foetus. The procedure merely delays development for a few hours, after which the embryo reaches the same number of cells as before and continues its normal development. Studies indicate that embryo biopsy does not harm the embryos.

Please note that we work to an established programme which has been validated over hundreds of treatments.

This programme is fully explained on this website and in our detailed information.  In the interests of all patients, no variations to this treatment programme are permissible under any circumstances. Anyone unwilling to comply with this provision will be excluded from the programme.

Cell removal